Episode Archives

VOY Challenge, Ep. 7: Eye of the Needle

TrekGeeks’ Star Trek Voyager Challenge One Geek’s mission to get through the Delta Quadrant using a tiny, tiny wormhole… OVERVIEW The opening Captain’s Log clues in to the fact that Ensign Kim has found what could be a wormhole that could possibly shorten Voyager’s journey home. It’s not exactly on their way home, so to…

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VOY Challenge, Ep. 6: The Cloud

TrekGeeks’ Star Trek Voyager Challenge One Geek’s quest to milk nebulas for all the coffee they’ve got! OVERVIEW Captain Janeway is on a quest, and what she wants is coffee. Problem is, all Neelix has brewing up in his kitchen is the equivalent of sludge. She’d rather use one of her replicator rations for something…

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On the Eighth Day of Shatnermas…

It’s hard to believe it’s gone by so quickly! Tonight is the eighth and final night of Shatnermas 2013. Over the last week, we’ve taken a look at a lot of The Shat’s greatest clips from throughout his career–some well known, and some not-so-well known. Tonight, like those you may have roasting over an open…

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On the Seventh Night of Shatnermas…

It’s the penultimate night of Shatnermas!  Night 7! We’re almost done with our celebration of all things William Shatner and, tonight, we’re looking at random Random Shat-tasticness! Back in the 70’s and 80’s, ABC used to have an occasional special called, “Battle of the Network Stars.” In it, stars from the three major networks would…

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On the Sixth Day of Shatnermas…

The 6th Night of Shatnermas is upon us and, on this day we will look at some of The Shat’s appearances in other Science Fiction productions! It almost seems weird to see someone so iconic and so identified with one legendary character in Science Fiction appear in other movies and television shows, but The Shat…

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On the Fifth Day of Shatnermas…

We’re all familiar with The Shat’s recent commercial work for things like Priceline.com, but he has appeared in a variety of commercials over the years–some that you may remember and others you may not (not unless you’ve surfed a LOT of Y ouTube.) Up first is a classic–and one I accidentally embedded instead of the…

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On the Fourth Day of Shatnermas…

Merry 4th of Shatnermas!  May you all be at one with the body! Tonight, we’re going to look at some of the best Shat moments in the original Star Trek series. There are SO many, but these ones are some of my absolute favorites. I present them here for your enjoyment and in celebration of…

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On the Third Day of Shatnermas…

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, fellow Geeks! The time when we celebrate the majesty and the talent of the one and only William Shatner! Today we’ll look at The Shat’s acting roles outside of the Star Trek world. One of my favorites is a western called White Comanche where Shatner plays a…

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On the Second Day of Shatnermas…

The second night of Shatnermas is upon us as we continue to celebrate all things William Shatner! All holidays have traditions and mythology surrounding them to some degree, so now is probably a good time to talk about the origins of this particular holiday. I was surfing YouTube one day and I came across this…

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On the First Day of Shatnermas…

The time has arrived, fellow Trek Geeks!  Time to celebrate the gift that keeps on giving year after year–none other than actor/director/author/recording artist/renaissance man, William Shatner! Here at TrekGeeks, we celebrate The Shat by giving him his own holiday which has taken on the name “Shatnermas.”  It’s eight days of celebrating our very own icon…

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