2015 Outtakes Special


2015 Outtakes SpecialAs 2015 draws to a close, we thought we’d put together some special bonus content in the form of outtakes before we return with an all-new episode on January 12, 2016!

Many of you know that following the end theme of every podcast episode, there is an outtake–something that we talked about either immediately before or after recording that week’s show.

The Match Game theme…Coconut!…Dan’s impersonations…Downton Abbey…they all got their start in the outtakes of the Trek Geeks Podcast and have taken on a life of their own. Some of you have heard them, and some of you haven’t, so we assembled a collection of all our clips from 2015 in one super-sized, outtakes-only episode!

We have had such a fun and amazing time with every episode and we can’t thank all of you enough for being part of our first year! We wish you all the happiest of New Years and an amazing 2016!



Buy all their albums online at FiveYearMission.netMusic for Trek Geeks is provided by Five Year Mission and we truly cannot thank them enough for allowing us to use their amazing music each and every episode!

Please head on over to FiveYearMission.net and check out their music, including their new album, “Spock’s Brain!” Seriously, if you listen to them, your Awesomocity Factor will increase like ten times what it is right now. We’re big fans of theirs, and we want you to be fans, too. All your friends are doing it…you’ll be cool…everyone will like you.

Plus, we really want them back as the House Band at Creation Entertainment’s Official 5oth Anniversary Star Trek Convention in Las Vegas in 2016. Please send a message to Creation and to CBS to let them know you would, too!


Direct Download Linkhttp://traffic.libsyn.com/trekgeeks/TGP_Outtakes2015.mp3
