Trek Geeks #157: Take Me Out to the Holosuite


It’s the Great American Pastime in Space!

One of Deep Space Nine’s most memorable outings has to be the seventh season episode, “Take Me Out to the Holosuite.” Sisko accepts the challenge of a Vulcan nemesis in his favorite sport, putting the honor of the DS9 senior staff on the line!

It’s an episode filled with humor and heart and perfect to discuss during this time of year when the baseball season comes to a close with the World Series.

We’ll talk about what makes this episode so classic and about the one, true obsession of Benjamin Sisko.

This episode is recorded live at Northeast Trek Con in Albany, New York.

Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack–it’s Your Independent Star Trek Podcast and it’s time to PLAY BALL!

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Five Year Mission

We truly grateful to our friends FIVE YEAR MISSION for allowing us to use their music for every episode of Trek Geeks. They’re creating one song for every episode of TOS and their brand new album is amazing!

Get your copy of YEAR 4 right now over at and, while you’re at it, grab a copy of all their other fantastic albums: Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, The Trouble with Tribbles, and of course, Spock’s Brain! We know you’ll become just as big a 5YM fan as we are, so what are you waiting for?

Please show them some support and download all their music!
