Many of our listeners have made it clear that they LOVE our See-It or Skip-It episodes. We love doing them, so this week we decided to do something that may ruffle a few Tarkelian Bat feathers! We are going to give our take on Season 1 of the show that started it all: The Original Series!
How could ANYONE say that an episode of TOS is a Skip-It? Well you may be surprised to see what we think. Season 1 has a huge amount of episodes, 29 in all, and we will get the breakdown of each story-line, and give you our thoughts on why it is worth watching, or one that you can vaporize with your hand phaser!
To make things even more interesting, we are welcoming our good friend and Star Trek Continues Co-Producer, Kasey Shafsky to moderate the discussion! With three crazy TOS die hard fans involved in the discussion, things might get even more crazy than the Beta III Red Hour!
Plus, we have some amazing updates on the Deep Space 9 documentary “What We Left Behind,” a new Klingon beverage may soon be joining us on the podcast when we record, and a touching tribute to our beloved Scotty, Jimmy Doohan, who would have turned 97 this past week.
So, sit back, grab your glass of Tranya and enjoy Episode 95 of Trek Geeks–Your Independent Star Trek Podcast.
We love FIVE YEAR MISSION and we can’t thank them enough for allowing us to use their music on Trek Geeks each and every episode. We’re huge fans and we hope you’ll become one, too–they’re writing and recording one original song for each episode of the classic Star Trek series from the 1960’s.
Warp on over to their website at FiveYearMission.net and check out each and every one of their incredible albums! You can hear them all: Year One, Year Two, Year Three, The Trouble with Tribbles, and of course, the amazing Spock’s Brain! Plus, don’t forget that they are working on Year Four right now!
These are the Five Year Mission songs you’ll hear in this episode of Trek Geeks!
The Cage – [Track 1] – Year One
The Trouble With Tribbles 6 – [Track 6] – The Trouble With Tribbles
Bumper Music
Amok Time – [Track 1] – Year 2
Dagger of the Mind – [Track 10] – Year 1
Direct Download Link: http://traffic.libsyn.com/trekgeeks/TGP_Episode095.mp3