Trek Geeks #92: Equinox


EquinoxThis week, we’ll take a look at the fifth season cliffhanger/sixth season premiere of Star Trek: Voyager!

“Equinox” premiered in May of 1999 and told the story of a second Starfleet ship stranded in the Delta Quadrant, the U.S.S. Equinox, and its crew has been doing some very dark things to get home.

We’ll discuss the events of this episode and some of the fantastic character moments and Captain Janeway’s obsession with going after Captain Ransom and whether or not that was in character for her.

We’ll also talk about the genocide committed by the crew of the Equinox and whether there was any possible justification for their actions. Plus, we’ll look at whether Chakotay should have relieved Captain Janeway of her command in this episode.

Plus, we’ve got LOTS of news on Star Trek: Discovery including leaked photos and brand new casting information!

It’s all in episode 92 of Your Independent Star Trek Podcast!


Spock's BrainWe love FIVE YEAR MISSION and we can’t thank them enough for allowing us to use their music on Trek Geeks each and every episode. We’re huge fans and we hope you’ll become one, too–they’re writing and recording one original song for each episode of the classic Star Trek series from the 1960’s.

Warp on over to their website at and check out each and every one of their incredible albums! You can hear them all: Year One, Year Two, Year Three, The Trouble with Tribbles, and of course, the amazing Spock’s Brain!  Plus, don’t forget that they are working on Year Four right now!

These are the Five Year Mission songs you’ll hear in this episode of Trek Geeks!

The Cage – [Track 1] – Year One
The Trouble With Tribbles 6 – [Track 6] – The Trouble With Tribbles

Bumper Music
Arena – [Track 3] – Year Two
A Piece of the Action – [Track 15] – Year Three


Direct Download Link:
