Trek Geeks #91: The Axanar Settlement


The Axanar Settlement with AxamonitorWith just 11 days before the start of a copyright infringement trial, Axanar Productions and Alec Peters announced they had settled the lawsuit brought against them by CBS and Paramount Pictures.

It was a case that had taken many twists and turns, ultimately revealing in court filings that the “Independent Star Trek Film” was out of money, having spent $1,400,000.00 with nothing to show for it.

Joining us to talk about the settlement is screenwriter and producer Carlos Pedraza–the principal behind–the fact-checking and reporting that was created in the wake of the lawsuit against Axanar Productions and Alec Peters. He is also a former educator, Associated Press writer, and Fan Film Producer—three past lives which have all added a unique and wonderful perspective to his coverage of this whole mess.

We’ll discuss what this agreement means for the beleaguered production and what will happen to the film itself. Plus, we’ll discuss the potential ramifications for Star Trek fans who donated to the crowdfunding and what recourse they might have. We’ll also pose questions to Carlos from our Official Facebook Group, Camp Khitomer!


Five Year MissionWe can’t thank FIVE YEAR MISSION enough. We are truly grateful to them for allowing us to use their music for every episode of Trek Geeks. You really should check them out–they’re writing and recording one original song for each episode of  the classic Star Trek series from the 1960’s.

Warp on over to their website at and check out all of their fantastic albums!  You can hear them all: Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, The Trouble with Tribbles, and of course, the amazing Spock’s Brain!  Plus, here is a little secret…they are working on Year 4 right now!

Here’s a rundown of the Five Year Mission songs you’ll hear in this episode!

The Cage – [Track 1] – Year 1
The Trouble With Tribbles 6 – [Track 6] – The Trouble with Tribbles

Bumper Music
Mudd’s Women – [Track 7] – Year 1
The Trouble With Tribbles 4 – [Track 4] – The Trouble with Tribbles
Shore Leave – [Track 16] – Year 1


Direct Download Link
