Trek Geeks #36: Make It So!


Make It So - Looking Back at Star Trek: The Next GenerationThis week on Trek Geeks – A Star Trek Podcast, we take a look at the second live-action Star Trek series, Star Trek: The Next Generation!

Premiering twenty-eight years ago, TNG was a risk in the eyes of a lot of fans. “If it doesn’t have Kirk and Spock, it doesn’t have me,” was the attitude of many prior to the show’s debut.

Over the years, Next Gen has become the Gold Standard of modern era Trek with characters and stories we adore and cherish. It’s hard to imagine trapping lightning in a bottle twice, but Gene certainly did it!

Bill and Dan will examine the first two seasons and how challenging it was to get this series on the air, how season three changed the franchise, and whether or not TNG’s success was a hindrance to the other live-action Trek shows that followed.

Plus, we’ll talk about episodes that fans typically love or hate and why we have the opposite view of them! (SPOILER ALERT: Both Bill’s and Dan’s most hated episodes lists contain some of the most loved episodes of all time!)

In addition, we’ll take a look at some recent news in the world of Star Trek with an update on Star Trek Beyond, as well as updates on two independent productions: Star Trek Renegades and Star Trek Continues.


Remembering Gene

This weekend also marks the 24th anniversary of the death of Star Trek creator, Gene Roddenberry. Bill has talked about his meeting Gene in the past, and today we’ll recall where we were when we heard the news as well whether or not The Great Bird of the Galaxy would be pleased with the current state of Star Trek.

Lastly, we’ll respond to some feedback that was left on our Facebook page regarding our episode on Star Trek: Enterprise! It’s a Super-Sized Star Trek: The Next Generation Episode of Trek Geeks and we hope you’ll join us!


Spock's Brain - Available at

We can’t thank FIVE YEAR MISSION enough for allowing us to use their amazing music during the podcast! PLEASE–go out to their website and get yourself a copy of their new album, “Spock’s Brain!”

PLUS–If you’d like to see Five Year Mission back as the House Band for the Official Star Trek Convention in Las Vegas next year, please let Creation Entertainment know!  Email them, Tweet them, Facebook them… Send them a message today like the one below!

Dear @CreationEnt, Please, please, PLEASE bring @5YearMission back to as the House Band!



Direct Download Link
