Episode Archives

Deep Space Pride #012: Discovery Season 3, Episode 2

Dominant or submissive? Emperor Georgiou can probably play it both ways. After a week’s absence, Mike and Johnson are back! They drop by Counselor Troi’s office for a quick visit to talk about what’s been going on in their personal lives, before sharing their thoughts on S3E2 of Discovery, “Far From Home.” Reactions were positive…

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The News From TrekNews.net #009: 11/05/2020

WEEK OF NOVEMBER 5 IT’S TIME FOR THE NEWS FROM TREKNEWS.NET! This week, Bill and Dan discuss a proposed statue to honor Leonard Nimoy in his hometown, Discovery Season 4 starts shooting, the new autobiography of Captain Janeway, and pretty sweet deal from CBS, Paramount, Amazon, and IDW Publishing!

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Trek Geeks #238: The Ship

A CRASHED JEM’HADAR SHIP AND LOTS OF TENSION While on a survey mission in the Gamma Quadrant to establish a potential mining colony, Sisko and company come across a Jem’Hadar transport ship that has crash landed. This could be the most significant intelligence find for Starfleet in recent memory–but it’s not that easy. The Dominion…

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Discovering Trek: People of Earth

DISCOVERY: SEASON 3, EPISODE 3 This week on People of Earth – the 3rd episode of Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 – Burnham is finally reunited with the USS Discovery and informs the crew of her research over the past year.  She has discovered a 12 year old transmission from a Starfleet Admiral regarding the…

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Five Year Mission #024: Boldly Go with…Boldly Go!

One Star Trek Band Sits Down with Another Star Trek Band Boldly Go is a Star Trek punk rock band that has a new album coming out. So what do they do? Make the media rounds! Mike and Fark sit down with them to talk about Star Trek, punk rock and everything else you can…

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Infinite Trek #014: The Horta is Coming From INSIDE the House!

The Infinite Trek Halloween Special! From an acid secreting monster melting cave walls to a repulsive organic forcing food down into a pit of digestive acids, Aaron and Brandi talk about their favorite scary moments in Star Trek. They also find out what scares you out there in the audience! So lower the lights and…

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The News From TrekNews.net #007: 10/29/2020

WEEK OF OCTOBER 29 IT’S TIME FOR THE NEWS FROM TREKNEWS.NET! This week, Bill and Dan discuss an incredible honor for Kate Mulgrew and Captain Janeway, a forthcoming novel about the Rikers aboard the Titan, Star Trek: Discovery getting a fourth season, and brand new Mego toys!

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Trek Geeks #237: The Haunting of Deck Twelve

MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA Who doesn’t love a Ghost Story? The power is out ship-wide. There’s a lantern. There’s even snacks. It’s the perfect setting for a scary tale! Voyager Morale Officer Neelix spins a yarn for the Borg kids aboard the ship about The Haunting of Deck Twelve. Bill and Dan will dive in on this penultimate…

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Discovering Trek: Far From Home

DISCOVERY: SEASON 3, EPISODE 2 This week on Far From Home – the 2nd episode of Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 – the USS Discovery and her crew arrive in the future and immediately crash land on an unknown planet.  While most of the crew begin repairs on the ship, Saru and Tilly head out for a…

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Deep Space Pride #011: Lower Decks Episode 9 & 10

ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE… …while Mariner works out some Mommy issues. We’ve arrived at the end of Season 1 of Lower Decks, a bittersweet moment indeed! Mike and Johnson delve into Mariner’s psyche in “Crisis Point” and “No Small Parts,” and chat about their feelings on the first season as a whole. We then go…

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