Trek Geeks #158: Podcasting 101 from Northeast Trek Con


Dan was a bit under the weather last week, so we had to reschedule the episode we had planned for this week. We promise to bring it to you soon! As a result, we bring you the audio from our panel at Northeast Trek Con about podcasting and getting into this medium!

Joining us on this panel are Sue Kisenwether from Women at Warp, Brandon-Shea Mutala from Trek.FM’s Warp Five and Melodic Treks podcasts, and moderating is Ken Tripp from Trek.FM’s Standard Orbit!

Special thanks to Brandon-Shea Mutala for providing this audio!

Direct Download Link


We truly grateful to our friends FIVE YEAR MISSION for allowing us to use their music for every episode of Trek Geeks. They’re creating one song for every episode of TOS and their brand new album is amazing!

Get your copy of YEAR 4 right now over at and, while you’re at it, grab a copy of all their other fantastic albums: Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, The Trouble with Tribbles, and of course, Spock’s Brain! We know you’ll become just as big a 5YM fan as we are, so what are you waiting for?

Please show them some support and download all their music!
