SyFy Sistas #015: Recap of The Sam & Bucky Show – Episode 4
But what about Bucky?! J.D. continues to take the point on our FAWS deep dive where the Sistas ask: Can you be a superhero without being super? Yvette keeps...
The SyFy Sistas: Where Science Fiction Meets Afrofuturism
Four Black women, who are O.G., Gen X, and Millennial Trekkies, discuss Black science fiction in tv, films, graphic novels, books and conventions.
But what about Bucky?! J.D. continues to take the point on our FAWS deep dive where the Sistas ask: Can you be a superhero without being super? Yvette keeps...
Walker: “Do you know who I am?” SyFy Sistas: “Yup, Captain Pro Tem” Things get real in “Power Broker” as Sam and Bucky are involved in a jailbreak and...
Can the SyFy Sistas deal with the Star-Spangled Man? OFC! The Sistas react viscerally to the happenings in the Falcon and the Winter Soldier #102. While Tamia does her...
J.D. Takes the Sistas to the MCU’s Falcon & the Winter Soldier From a Sista in the Seat to a Brother with the Shield, J.D. leads Fran, Subrina, Tamia,...
Is the fandom finally ready for a Sista in the Seat? Black female lead on the bridge is an idea that sent a vocal minority of Star Trek fans...
Tamia and Subrina introduce Yvette to the Expanse Latina/Klingon B’Elanna Torres of Star Trek: Voyager and Belter Naomi Nagata of The Expanse, are our favorite chief engineers. Besides being...
Trekkies and Whovians CAN co-exist in the same podcast SyFy Sistas J.D., Tamia, and Subrina visit that other celebrated sci-fi franchise, Doctor Who. It’s STNG’s fan favorite “Darmok” and...
How Brandy’s Cinderella made history and laid the foundation for Black leading ladies of diverse casts The Sistas discuss the impact of the 1997 TV movie Cinderella, starring Brandy...
What makes these crucial partnerships work? Starship captains are a man or woman in a million, and their first officers are in unique professional and personal relationships with them....