Discovering Trek: Season 2 Wrap-Up Spectacular


In this Bonus episode, Dan & Bill talk about their favorite and least favorite moments of Star Trek: Discovery’s sophomore season.

From Section 31, to Control, to Captain Pike, Mister Spock, Reno, Saru, Burnham, Talos IV and so many others, there are so many aspects of the season worthy of discussion.  What did they like? What did they not like? And what do the Trek Geeks think will happen in Season 3, set almost 1000 years in the future?

Join them for this interesting and illuminating discussion on an action packed and plot filled season that was Discovery – Season 2!


Music for Discovering Trek is provided by Five Year Mission. They’re writing one song for each episode of The Original Series and you have just got to get all of their CDs: Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, The Trouble With Tribbles, and Spock’s Brain!

Find out more and download all their albums at