Trek Geeks #211: Variations on a Theme


Let’s face it. Depending on where you live, you’ve probably been socially distancing in your house, trying to help flatten the curve of COVID-19. It’s probably been at least a couple of weeks and you might be starting to get a little stir crazy.

That’s where we come in!

We’ve all seen Star Trek a bunch, so we came up with some themed re-watches to help you watch the episodes a little differently and help pass the time!

Joining us is our great friend, Trek Geeks Producer, and Camp Khitomer Admin, Jackie Hackney and between the three of us, we’ll have some great suggestions for you!


Every note of music you hear on Trek Geeks is the amazing work of the band Five Year Mission. They’re writing one song for each episode of Star Trek–and we are HUGE fans!

They even have a rather eponymously named podcast here on the Trek Geeks Network! This week, their kids take to the mic to tell us what they’ve learned about Star Trek from dudes in a Star Trek band! Subscribe now on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever you download podcasts!

5YM, of course, is every note of music you hear on Rewind, and we couldn’t be more grateful. Go get yourself a copy of all their CDs: Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Spock’s Brain, and The Trouble With Tribbles. It’s easy–head on over to RIGHT NOW and get that physical media in your hands! We just KNOW you’ll become huge fans of the band and their music!