Trek Geeks #221: Dr. Erin Teaches Science to Two Idiots


What happens when you take someone who is an astrophysicist and consults on Star Trek and subject her to explaining the science behind things to…well…us?

We’re not sure, either, but we’re pretty sure that her head exploding might be a possible outcome!

You might have seen her at STLV or maybe even in her online series, “Dr. Erin Explains the Universe.” This week, we welcome Dr. Erin MacDonald to the podcast to talk about the science of things in Star Trek and whether or not some of these things make sense.

Plus, we’ll talk about the rescheduled dates for STLV and give you an update on our online fundraiser for Feeding America in this week’s episode of The Flagship of the Trek Geeks Podcast Network!


The music of Trek Geeks comes from none other than Five Year Mission and Episode 15 of Five Year Mission: The Podcast is available now! This week, the guys chat with the Chief Cosmetology Officer aboard the USS Enterprise, Moxie Ann Magnus!

Subscribe now on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever you download podcasts!

5YM, of course, is every note of music you hear on Rewind, and we couldn’t be more grateful. Go get yourself a copy of all their CDs: Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Spock’s Brain, and The Trouble With Tribbles. It’s easy head on over to RIGHT NOW and get that physical media in your hands! We just KNOW you’ll become huge fans of the band and their music!