“Yesterday’s Podcast”
(or, “The One Where We’re Threatened With Cancellation”)
In this very special tenth episode, we speak to the co-founder of the Trek Geeks Podcast Network, Bill Smith. He highlights many wonderful moments in his life of Star Trek fandom and a few of the items that he has acquired along the way. Bill talks about his once-in-a-lifetime meeting of Gene Roddenberry and how George Takei snuck him into a New Hampshire convention. Bill also highlights pieces of his physical collecting throughout the years. Items that range from Legos to Funkos to Freezicles. In recent years, however, he’s delved into things such as pins, photo ops, and autographs. Be sure to stay tuned to the end of the episode where Bill reveals a special surprise that was uncovered in preparation for this episode that you don’t want to miss!
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Twitter: @divine_treasury
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You can also find video of the collections of our guests and reveals of our new items by subscribing to the Trek Geeks Podcast Network on YouTube.