A Statement from Trek Geeks’ Founders Bill Smith & Dan Davidson

In Support of Kamala Harris

We believe that at its core, Star Trek is overtly and undeniably political and it has been since it premiered on television in 1966. Further, we also believe as podcasters that having a microphone comes with the inherent responsibility to use it to do good.

However, we have a far greater responsibility as human beings and as Americans to speak out in our political process and a right to do so guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. Particularly when the very existence of our cherished family and friends is imperiled and the country we love is becoming unrecognizable.

We believe that freedom is the promise of America and that a single right erased for one group of people is an attack on every American. We believe that America’s best days lie ahead and that we must move forward to ensure a better tomorrow for future generations, and not backward to a time of abrogated rights dominated by white men in positions of power.

To that end, we have decided to make a public statement that Trek Geeks supports Vice President Kamala Harris in her bid to be President of the United States.

We believe in her vision and her compassion. We trust in her intelligence and her unwavering commitment to the working families of this country. We admire her courage and her character, as well as the message her candidacy sends to children all over this country. We believe that she is the right choice at the right time to take on the growing spread of Christian Nationalism that has taken over the Republican Party and the threat it poses to every American.

We could “shut up and talk about Star Trek,” but we’re not going to.

As two middle-aged cishet white men in a sci-fi fandom who operate a network of podcasts, we think it’s crucial that other nerds who are like us know that we support a woman of color to move our country forward.

We also believe that it’s critical to come out against an opposing candidate who is a convicted felon and who incited an insurrection upon our Nation’s Capitol in an attempt to subvert our democracy. We will never support a candidate and a party that is OK with treason.

To be candid, we have not always voted Democrat. Quite the opposite, in fact. We were raised in Republican homes with Republican voices and an unhealthy distrust and disregard of the media. While we haven’t voted Republican in quite some time, voting just isn’t enough anymore. It’s time to use our voice.

The very soul of our country is at stake. Will we move into a time where the Republican Party seems to use The Handmaid’s Tale as predictive text, or will we go boldly into a future where all Americans are seen and heard? Will we continue the promise of America’s freedom, or will we dissolve into an American oligarchy under Project 2025?

Americans of conscience–and Republicans in particular–need to take a hard look at which party is talking about freedom and, in the words of the late Republican Senator John McCain, put country over party and vote for Kamala Harris.

Bill Smith & Dan Davidson
Founders, Trek Geeks