In this episode, Shashank and Barry discuss Star Trek Discovery: Season 2. We cover some of the main characters (Pike and Burnham especially), discussing their motivations and permutations, along with the stories told in this season and how they shape and connect to Trek as a whole.
We take a constructive look at elements of the season that worked and may not have worked as well. This takes us through the concept of time travel, as often portrayed by Star Trek and how it matches up with other SF franchises, and how it connects to some hypotheses around how actual time travel might work.
As this is an expansive series with a great many elements, we do not get to everything, however more conversation is welcome on our Twitter page and on Camp Khitomer!
The news segment covers the fires in the Amazon Rainforest, crisis in Kashmir, TMP’s limited theatrical anniversary run, and some great news from some of our friends!