In this very ambitious episode, Shashank and Barry have teamed up with our good friend Brett O’Shea from Revolutionary Left Radio, a political science/philosophy/activist podcast, to talk about the book ‘Methods Devour Themselves: A Conversation’ co-authored by Benjanun Sriduangkaew and J. Moufawad-Paul. The book itself represents a conversation between Speculative Fiction/Fantasy (SFF), which includes Sci-fi, and political philosophy. The works book to imagine new realities and ideas that emerge from the strange new worlds created by SFF, along with the socio-political themes explored in that genre – something Trek fans are no strangers to.
The episode is a conversation between PoliTreks (representing SFF) and Rev Left Radio (political philosophy), where we try to continue that conversation through discussion of the book, lacing in the interviews that Barry and Brett did with the authors.
We hope this episode will encourage more discussion with our listeners and encourage everyone to pick up ‘Methods Devour Themselves’. It was a great read and will entertain along with incite new ways of looking at how we consume SFF!