iTunes Subscribe and Review
Trek Geeks – A Star Trek Podcast is available on iTunes for all iOS devices including your iPhone and iPad! PLUS—Find out more about how to win a $25 Amazon gift card just for writing a review for the podcast below!
How to Subscribe
- Open iTunes (or the Podcasts app on your iOS device).
- Search for Trek Geeks
- Click on the Trek Geeks page.
- Click the Subscribe button. (You may be prompted at this point to sign in with your Apple ID if you haven’t already).
How to Review
- Open iTunes (or the Podcasts app on your iOS device).
- Search for Trek Geeks.
- Click on the Trek Geeks page.
- Click Ratings and Reviews (or Reviews on the Podcasts app).
- Select a rating between 1 and 5 stars.
- Click Write a Review (You may be prompted at this point to sign in with your Apple ID if you haven’t already).
- Write your review.
- Submit your review to Apple!
- Email us at trekgeeks [at]starfleet[dot]com and tell us about your review! Be sure to include your iTunes screen name!