There should be a contest for the lowest number of original ideas an episode can have
And after a one week hiatus. we’re back – Happy New Year to all our Deep Space Pride listeners! Mike and Johnson do double duty this week, since we have some catching up to do. First up is “Stormy Weather,” which seems to be a melting pot of recycled Star Trek tropes – Jonathan Frakes did his best? We then move onto the mid-season finale (why?) of Discovery Season 4 – at least “… But To Connect” stirs up some healthy debate. While Michael’s point of view is positioned as the right one, was Book’s really that wrong?
Here’s hoping that the second half of Season 4 finishes out strong – but apparently we have to wait until February to find out! Meanwhile, we have a few more episodes of Prodigy to look forward to next… and will we get Picard Season 2 in February???