Star Trek Continues Premieres 2nd Episode
Star Trek Continues, the fan-produced web series that debuted in 2013 to rave reviews of it’s first episode, “Pilgrim of Eternity,” has made their second episode available for viewing! Episode 2, “Lolani,” debuted this past Saturday night in Dallas, Texas at the Dallas Sci-Fi Expo and has since been...
VOY Challenge, Ep. 11: State of Flux
TrekGeeks’ Star Trek Voyager Challenge One Geek’s mission to fire the person who brought Leola Root aboard out the nearest airlock. OVERVIEW The Voyager has dispatched a survey team to the surface of a planet to find food sources. Carey finds a bunch of what look like some form...
Nimoy Reveals COPD Diagnosis
Earlier this week, paparazzi photographers captured images of Star Trek star Leonard Nimoy being pushed through JFK Airport in New York City in a wheelchair, receiving oxygen from a portable oxygen concentrator. Last night, Nimoy revealed the reason why the oxygen was necessary via his verified Twitter feed. I...
VOY Challenge, Ep. 10: Prime Factors
TrekGeeks’ Star Trek Voyager Challenge One Geek’s challenge to to barter his way home to the Alpha Quadrant aboard the Starship Voyager. OVERVIEW The crew of the intrepid U.S.S. Voyager (Ha! See what I did there?!) seems to be getting along at this point in their journey. Whether Maquis...
VOY Challenge, Ep. 9: Emanations
TrekGeeks’ Star Trek Voyager Challenge One Geek’s quest to go where no abused Ensign has gone before. OVERVIEW The crew of the Voyager has discovered a new element. It’s the 247th known to science and they’ve found it among a group of asteroids. As Chakotay, Torres, and Kim beam...
VOY Challenge, Ep. 8: Ex Post Facto
TrekGeeks’ Star Trek Voyager Challenge One Geek’s mission to make all the way through Star Trek: Voyager without being sentenced to relive it every fourteen hours… OVERVIEW As the episode opens, we see black and white footage of Tom Paris and a woman meeting up for a romantic encounter...
VOY Challenge, Ep. 7: Eye of the Needle
TrekGeeks’ Star Trek Voyager Challenge One Geek’s mission to get through the Delta Quadrant using a tiny, tiny wormhole… OVERVIEW The opening Captain’s Log clues in to the fact that Ensign Kim has found what could be a wormhole that could possibly shorten Voyager’s journey home. It’s not exactly...
VOY Challenge, Ep. 6: The Cloud
TrekGeeks’ Star Trek Voyager Challenge One Geek’s quest to milk nebulas for all the coffee they’ve got! OVERVIEW Captain Janeway is on a quest, and what she wants is coffee. Problem is, all Neelix has brewing up in his kitchen is the equivalent of sludge. She’d rather use one...
On the Eighth Day of Shatnermas…
It’s hard to believe it’s gone by so quickly! Tonight is the eighth and final night of Shatnermas 2013. Over the last week, we’ve taken a look at a lot of The Shat’s greatest clips from throughout his career–some well known, and some not-so-well known. Tonight, like those you...
On the Seventh Night of Shatnermas…
It’s the penultimate night of Shatnermas! Night 7! We’re almost done with our celebration of all things William Shatner and, tonight, we’re looking at random Random Shat-tasticness! Back in the 70’s and 80’s, ABC used to have an occasional special called, “Battle of the Network Stars.” In it, stars...
On the Sixth Day of Shatnermas…
The 6th Night of Shatnermas is upon us and, on this day we will look at some of The Shat’s appearances in other Science Fiction productions! It almost seems weird to see someone so iconic and so identified with one legendary character in Science Fiction appear in other movies...
VOY Challenge, Ep. 12: Heroes and Demons
TrekGeeks’ Star Trek Voyager Challenge One Geek’s quest to ratchet up the Harry Kim toteboard and defeat Grendel all at the same time. OVERVIEW Torres is beaming samples of a protostar aboard the Voyager into containment fields after detecting unusual amounts of photonic activity. She transports the samples, but...