Dan Davidson

Discovering Trek: The Least Dangerous Game

LOWER DECKS: SEASON 3, EPISODE 2 Grab your bat’leths and prepare for an amazing quest, adventurers!  During their downtime, General Martok returns (kind of) to lead our Lower Deck crew on glorious quests and missions.  When on duty, Boimler decides he is going to change his ways and be more assertive, and that quickly puts…

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Discovering Trek: Grounded

LOWER DECKS: SEASON 3, EPISODE 1 This week on the season premiere of Star Trek: Lower Decks, Captain Freeman is on trial for the destruction of Pakled Planet, and Mariner is not going to sit by and watch her mom go down without a fight.  The Cerritos is in a secure location and the gang…

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Discovering Trek: The Examples

DISCOVERY: SEASON 4, EPISODE 5 This week, Dan, Bill, Sara, and Kasey take on Star Trek Discovery’s “The Examples”.  During an rescue mission on an old Emerald Chain settlement, Burnham and Book work to save a group of prisoners who were left behind during the evacuation and face certain death from the DMA.  Meanwhile on…

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Discovering Trek: All Is Possible

DISCOVERY: SEASON 4, EPISODE 4 This week, the whole gang is back for the first time this season as Dan, Bill, Sara, and Kasey take on Star Trek Discovery’s “All Is Possible”.  After an enlightening conversation with the mysterious Dr. Kovich about the reformed Starfleet Academy, Tilly takes command of a group of new cadets…

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Discovering Trek: Anomaly

DISCOVERY: SEASON 4, EPISODE 2 This week, Dan, Sara and Kasey talk all about Star Trek Discovery’s Season 4 emotional second episode “Anomaly”.  Book is hurting.  Bad.  Like a lot!  His planet is gone and he has cut himself off from everyone, even Burnham.  But he quickly volunteers for a dangerous mission to gather info…

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Deep Space Pride #059: The One Where Mike and Johnson Have Too Much To Discuss

Dal finally becomes less annoying on Prodigy, while Michael Burnham makes a triumphant and tearful return. So much Star Trek to discuss! First, we celebrate the 25-year anniversary of Star Trek: First Contact, arguably the best TNG movie ever! Where were we? What were we doing? And how have we grown since then?? We then…

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Discovering Trek: Kobayashi Maru

DISCOVERY: SEASON 4, EPISODE 1 This week, Dan, Sara and Kasey kick off the newest season of Discovering Trek: Discovery and talk all about Star Trek Discovery’s Season 4 premier “Kobayashi Maru”.  Five months after solving The Burn, Captain Burnham is working hard to welcome planets back into the Federation.  As the Discovery welcomes aboard…

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Discovering Trek: First First Contact

LOWER DECKS: SEASON 2, EPISODE 10 This week on Star Trek: Lower Decks, it looks like Captain Freeman is leaving the Cerritos for bigger and better things!  But before that happens she has to help her old friend Captain Sonya “Hot Chocolate” Gomez when her ship, the USS Archimedes loses all power and hurtles towards…

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Discovering Trek: wej Duj

LOWER DECKS: SEASON 2, EPISODE 9 This week on Star Trek: Lower Decks, did you ever wonder what life as a Lower Decker was like on other alien starships?  Well wonder no more friends, as this week we get to see life below decks on a Klingon ship, a Vulcan ship and even a Pakled…

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Discovering Trek: I, Excretus

LOWER DECKS: SEASON 2, EPISODE 8 This week on Star Trek: Lower Decks, a Starfleet Drill Instructor with ulterior motives arrives on the Cerritos to test the crew.  The Lower Deckers and the senior staff switch roles and as one might expect, things don’t go as they all hoped.  The Borg, the Mirror Universe, and…

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