This week, we took to YouTube and Facebook Live to answer your questions in an all-new Ask Us Anything!
What is our favorite uniform?
Which episodes are most proud of?
What’s Bill’s favorite moment in Star Trek: Generations?
These questions, and many more, will be answered in this week’s episode of The Flagship!
The music of Trek Geeks comes from none other than Five Year Mission and Episode 19 of Five Year Mission: The Podcast is available now! This time, the guys answer fan questions. Hey, that sounds familiar. I wonder where we got that idea?
Subscribe now on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever you download podcasts!
5YM, of course, is every note of music you hear on Rewind, and we couldn’t be more grateful. Go get yourself a copy of all their CDs: Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Spock’s Brain, and The Trouble With Tribbles. It’s easy head on over to FiveYearMission.net RIGHT NOW and get that physical media in your hands! We just KNOW you’ll become huge fans of the band and their music!