Trek Geeks #88: The Year in Review


This week, we give 2016 one last look and talk about the biggest Star Trek stories of 2016!

Several weeks ago, we asked the members of our official Facebook group, Camp Khitomer, to vote on what they thought the biggest news items were over the last year. They’ve spoken, and we run down their list in this week’s show!

Plus, we’ll catch up on some of the things that happened during our Holiday Break, including huge casting news for Star Trek: Discovery and, if you stay through the end theme, you just might hear what happened when Dan and Bill exchanged Christmas presents this past weekend!

It’s all in Episode 88 of the Trek Geeks Podcast–start your New Year of Trek off with us, won’t you?


Five Year MissionWe are incredibly grateful to FIVE YEAR MISSION for allowing us to use their music in our podcast each and every week. You really should check them out–they’re writing and recording one original song for each episode of the classic Star Trek series from the 1960’s.

Warp on over to their website at and check out all of their fantastic albums!  You can hear them all: Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, The Trouble with Tribbles, and of course, the amazing Spock’s Brain!  Plus, here is a little secret…they are working on Year 4 right now!

Plus, we absolutely want to see them back as the House Band for this year’s Star Trek convention in Las Vegas! Don’t forget to let Creation Entertainment know you’d like to see them, too! Tweet them, Facebook them, email them…and be sure to use the hashtag #5YMSTLV2017!


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