
iTunes Subscribe and Review

Trek Geeks – A Star Trek Podcast is available on iTunes for all iOS devices including your iPhone and iPad! PLUSFind out more about how to win a $25 Amazon gift card just for writing a review for the podcast below!

Subscribe to Trek Geeks on iTunes!

How to Subscribe


  1. Open iTunes (or the Podcasts app on your iOS device).
  2. Search for Trek Geeks
  3. Click on the Trek Geeks page.
  4. Click the Subscribe button. (You may be prompted at this point to sign in with your Apple ID if you haven’t already).


How to Review


  1. Open iTunes (or the Podcasts app on your iOS device).
  2. Search for Trek Geeks.
  3. Click on the Trek Geeks page.
  4. Click Ratings and Reviews (or Reviews on the Podcasts app).
  5. Select a rating between 1 and 5 stars.
  6. Click Write a Review (You may be prompted at this point to sign in with your Apple ID if you haven’t already).
  7. Write your review.
  8. Submit your review to Apple!
  9. Email us at trekgeeks [at]starfleet[dot]com and tell us about your review! Be sure to include your iTunes screen name!